Out Leadership research: employer support for LGBT+ talent is falling short — LGBTQ Institute

Out Leadership research: employer support for LGBT+ talent is falling short

New York, 30 April 2018 – While the majority (85%) of high performing LGBT+ employees feel comfortable being out at work – indicating that tremendous progress has been made in just a short time – most employers are still not doing all they can to support them and are missing out on the business growth opportunities true LGBT+ inclusion can drive.

New research by PwC and Out Leadership highlights a gap between what high potential LGBT+ employees want from their career and what employers offer. The report – Out to Succeed: Realizing the full potential of your LGBT+ talent – is based on an international survey of 231 high-potential LGBT+ employees and 28 corporate leaders from Out Leadership member organizations.

Key Findings:

  • Most LGBT+ employees surveyed say being out has had a positive impact on their career
  • Only 29% of employers have programs focused on the retention of LGBT+ talent
  • Even fewer (12%) LGBT+ employees are aware such programs exist within their organization

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