“The one thing we can’t have is a rule—unwritten or explicit—that says discrimination is justified if the person discriminating really, really objects to the excluded group,” writes law professor Garrett Epps. “Whether explained in religious terms or not, that undermines the entire idea of civil rights.”
More Religious Schools Seek Right to Discriminate Against LGBT Students
Major companies form group to push for LGBT rights globally
Gay and Marked for Death
“The Iraqi refugee I interviewed told me that on social media earlier this year, he saw images of a rooftop execution and learned later that the victim — unrecognizable because he was blindfolded and shown mostly from behind — was a friend of his who hadn’t left Iraq.”
Photo from The Daily Mail: Two ISIS militants wait for an order to throw the men over the edge of the building.
Small Legal Gains Signal Big Leap For LGBT Rights In Africa
Legal experts say the victories “represent significant progress on human rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people and have broader implications with regard to countries’ obligations to uphold basic rights” of those who live in the margins.
Zambian gay rights activist Paul Kasonkomona leaving magistrate court.
Here's Why LGBT Equality Must Be About More Than the U.S.
"In more than 75 countries worldwide, you can be arrested simply on the basis of your sexual orientation. These countries have a collective population of over 3 billion -- nine times the number of people living in the U.S. and almost 43 percent of the world's population. In eight of those countries, it's perfectly legal to be sentenced to death for being gay or lesbian."
Image Credit: The Daily Beast
Bayard Rustin, Gay Activist and MLK Mentor, To Be Honored
Berry: Latin America at ‘forefront’ of global LGBT rights movement
Randy Berry: “There’s a superb example of Latin leadership that has certainly predated our entry into this space as a foreign policy issue. I see very enlightened government engagement. I see an active partnering with civil society.”
Uruguayans celebrate the legislature’s vote last April to allow same-sex marriages. Andres Stapff/Reuters