LGBT Institute officially launches at Center for Civil and Human Rights

LGBT Institute officially launches at Center for Civil and Human Rights

"It's the perfect time and the perfect place to shine a spotlight on issues that don't often get a platform."

Only 1 in 5 Gay Teen Boys Gets Tested for HIV

Only 1 in 5 Gay Teen Boys Gets Tested for HIV


The incidence of new HIV infections is rising among young gay and bisexual men, study principal investigator Brian Mustanski, an associate professor of medical social sciences and director of IMPACT, pointed out in the news release.

Photo Courtesy of

Open now! Needs assessment survey for transgender people living with HIV/AIDS

Open now! Needs assessment survey for transgender people living with HIV/AIDS

“This survey is a groundbreaking opportunity to not only highlight our needs, but also our resilience when there are few resources available. We are ready to offer policy makers, providers and legislators our own solutions.”

New Study Uses Google to Uncover Internet Racism and How it Shapes Mortality, Racial Disparities in Health

New Study Uses Google to Uncover Internet Racism and How it Shapes Mortality, Racial Disparities in Health

This fascinating study and its results have important implications for methods to measure and monitor racism, and to investigate its impact on mortality.

A New Battle at the UN Could Decide What 'LGBT' Means

A New Battle at the UN Could Decide What 'LGBT' Means

As LGBT issues gain prominence at the global level, data will become a more important part of the debate. The Commission may be where the real battle takes place to define the reality of LGBT people.